
JMX connection to a remote HP BSM in VisualVM

  1. Add Remote Host... and enter your BSM's hostname (this will be the <bsm host>)
  2. Add JMX Connection...
    1. To the connection field, enter "<bsm host>:11020" (for BSM, JMX listens on 11020)
    2. Use security credentials: enter the same that you use at HP Business Service Management Status.
  3. When VisualVM  nags about no SSL, say Yes, if you accept the risks.

Compiling Atlassian JIRA and having hamcrest-all 1.2 maven dependency resolution problem

So you are compiling Atlassian JIRA from source, and the compilation fails with:
Failed to execute goal on project atlassian-secure-random: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.atlassian.security:atlassian-secure-random:jar:3.2.1: Could not find artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest-all:jar:1.2 in central (https://maven.your-corporation.com/artifactory/repo)

Of course, you started wandering around teh Internet, and was shocked to see, that https://code.google.com/p/hamcrest/ only knows about hamcrest-all 1.1 and 1.3... wtf?!

The missing version is hosted by Atlassian. You should set your stuff up to look up https://maven.atlassian.com/content/groups/public/ also.
Look for Philipp Steinwender's answer at https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/192831/maven-dependency-com-atlassian-jira-plugins for a maven settings.xml fragment.


Quickly generating a password from a dictionary word (easy but not so secure)

So, your requirements are set as:

  1. Needs Uppercase letter,
  2. Needs lowercase letter,
  3. Needs digit,
  4. Needs length > 8 characters,
  5. and there are simple Checks for your Name as a substring,
  6. Should Not match previous 5..n passwords.
Let's l33t-ize it:

  1. Grab a dictionary word, at least 7 chars long, which has at least one vowel, and has at least one uppercase letter in it, that feels natural for you. Eg. "Bracket"
  2. l33t-ize the vowels, except the first letter. Eg. "Bracket" --> "Br4ck3t"
  3. Find the biggest digit. Zero counts as the biggest. Eg. "Br4ck3t" ==> 4
  4. Append this digit, `digit` times to the end. Zero means ten. Eg. "Br4ck3t" + 4 --> "Br4ck3t4444"
  5. Now, you have +uppercase, +lowercase, +digits, +length()>8


Dog --> D0g0000000000 (D0g and 10 zeroes)
Obama --> Ob4m44444 (Ob4m4 [left the big-o as the uppercase!!!] and 4 fours)
Keyboard --> K3yb04rd0000000000 (K3yb04rd and ten zeroes)


  • Full-l33t: also translate s-5, t-| (pipe/bar), small-L-1
  • Let zero be zero and it means no new digits at the end

Do not forget, which variation are you using ;-)

It's not the best, but if you still have to change yoour password in every few months, I could go with this. Otherwise, they should introduce smartcards and/or SecurID tokens...