WITH W_JIRAWORKFLOWS AS ( SELECT WORKFLOWNAME, XMLTYPE.CREATEXML( REPLACE(DESCRIPTOR, '<!DOCTYPE workflow PUBLIC "-//OpenSymphony Group//DTD OSWorkflow 2.8//EN" "http://www.opensymphony.com/osworkflow/workflow_2_8.dtd">' )) AS DESCRIPTOR_XML FROM JIRAWORKFLOWS) SELECT WS.NAME AS WF_SCHEME_NAME, WSE.WORKFLOW AS WF_ENTITY_WORKFLOW, IT.PNAME AS ISSUETYPE_NAME, XMLQUERY( 'string-join(distinct-values(//post-functions/function/arg[@name="class.name" and not(starts-with(., "com.atlassian.jira.workflow"))]/text()), ",")' PASSING DESCRIPTOR_XML RETURNING CONTENT ).getStringVal() AS PLUGIN_CLASSNAMES FROM WORKFLOWSCHEMEENTITY WSE LEFT JOIN ISSUETYPE IT ON IT.ID = WSE.ISSUETYPE LEFT JOIN WORKFLOWSCHEME WS ON WS.ID = WSE.SCHEME INNER JOIN W_JIRAWORKFLOWS W ON W.WORKFLOWNAME = WSE.WORKFLOW WHERE XMLEXISTS('//post-functions[function/arg[@name="class.name" and not(starts-with(., "com.atlassian.jira.workflow"))]]' PASSING BY VALUE DESCRIPTOR_XML);This way you can see, what kind of Workflows you have, that has post-functions bound to plugins.
As you see, it is using Oracle XDB features, so you might need some rework when using another RDBMS. Also, the cutting out of the DTD is neccessary, as by default, XDB does not allow to load XML-s that have external references (here, the DTD has one).