
Sending emails to addresses and subjects in a CSV with a fixed message in a textfile

The following script was generated to notice approvers that an audit initiated the deletion of some users they did not approved (again). The Subject contains the usernames, and the message is a template with some PC blahblah.


if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
 echo "No arguments passed! I need a 'mailaddr;subject' .csv and a txt containing the fixed message."
 echo "csvmailer.sh addresses.csv message.txt"
 exit 1

while read p; do
 IFS=' '
 mail -s "$SUBJ" "$EMAIL" < $2
done < $1

The CSV is like "jane.doe@company.com;This is a message in the subject about deleting the account of 'johndoe@company.com'\n". Do NOT put a semicolon into the subject column :-D

IFS sets the Internal Field Separator to semicolon (';'), instead of the default whitespace. This way the array generator/tokenizer is dead simple in the next line.

$1 is the CSV file, read into $p line-by-line.

$2 is the fixed message piped into mail.

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