
HP BSM: Decrypt Management password

You will need filesystem access.

  1. Get crypt.seed.key from %HPBSM%\conf\seed.properties (also note crypt.seed.conf, it is usually AES/ECB)
  2. Get crypt.secret.key from %HPBSM%\conf\encryption.properties (also note crypt.conf.1 [substitute your crypt.conf.active.id], should be same as crypt.seed.conf)
  3. Split crypt.secret.key around the one Z in it.
    1. pre-Z part: cryptedSecretKey
    2. post-Z part: MAC
  4. Get ManagementDb.password from %HPBSM%\conf\TopazInfra.ini
    1. Split the HEX string to 4 pieces, there are three Z-s in it.
    2. Third of the four parts is the cryptText
    3. Note: This method was only checked out with ManagementDb.dbEType=1, and crypt.seed.conf=AES/ECB settings.
  5. Go here: http://aes.online-domain-tools.com
    1. Input text (hex): cryptedSecretKey
    2. Key (hex): crypt.seed.key
    3. Function: AES (note: crypt.seed.conf)
    4. Mode: ECB (note: crypt.seed.conf)
    5. Decrypted text: plaintextSecretKey, will be a HEX string, trim the 0x0A-like garbages from the end (some kind of padding I did not bother to research).
  6. Go here again: http://aes.online-domain-tools.com
    1. Input text (hex): cryptText
    2. Key (hex): plaintextSecretKey
    3. Function: AES (note: crypt.seed.conf)
    4. Mode: ECB (note: crypt.seed.conf)
    5. Decrypted text: will be the plaintext database password used for the ConnectString in TopazInfra.ini, trim the garbage bytes again, as usual.

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